This new style was not note against note, but was rather one sustained line accompanied by a florid melismatic line.
Rossini's style requires singers of every type, not only sopranos, to perform florid musical lines.
So the main roles want singers who can shape florid melodic lines yet who have dramatic depth and resplendent vocal presence.
I became entranced by the play's formal symmetry and the relish with which the actors chanted Wilde's florid, repetitious lines.
Miss Weidinger's soprano tended to turn rather hard and coarse when pushed by the role's emotional requirements, but it handled the florid lines expertly.
Donna Stephenson sang Ramiro's florid lines steadily and with feeling.
To master those high-lying and florid vocal lines, some singers may have to compress their voices.
Among them were a few florid lines from the Revolution and batches more from the Civil War.
A mere mention of birds or breezes sends the voices into paroxysms of interwoven florid lines.
But the revised version sings as well in florid vocal lines that can be wistfully lyrical or skittishly tortured, depending on the dramatic need.