Angling in that direction, he encountered the florid-faced man who had left the restaurant ahead of him.
A large florid-faced man in his forties, sitting behind the desk, looked up as Stoddard came in.
Forgetting Maggie, both men turned to enthusiastically greet the florid-faced man who came up behind them.
A disheveled, florid-faced man pushed his way into the presentation auditorium.
The florid-faced man looked to the lieutenant colonel for guidance.
And if you the florid-faced man asked, surprised.
"But there is detrimental material," the florid-faced man insisted.
Over the soup, I asked the florid-faced man next to me where the spouses were.
He glanced up at Ludlow, a fat, florid-faced man with cold blue eyes and thinning blond hair.
"You gotta get in there," a florid-faced man with a chiefs badge on his helmet yelled.