On those days, the Vestals would prepare sacred mola salsa, a salted flour cake, from the first ears of wheat of the season.
Bolo de fubá (corn flour cake)
In Congo, Tanzania and Kenya (East Africa), thinly sliced collard greens are the main accompaniments of a popular dish known as sima or ugali (a corn flour cake).
The remains of ancient ovens appear to prove that round, flat flour cakes were baked in the Greek-Roman city of Neapolis, today's Naples, and also in nearby Pompeii - probably even on the very day when volcanic ashes from Mount Vesuvius smothered the town in A.D. 79.
Angsle (wedhang angsle): a hot soupy dessert of sago pearls, pre-cooked glutinous rice and mung beans, putu mayang (brightly colored, noodle-shaped flour cakes), fried peanuts all drowned in hot, sweet coconut milk.
During the Victorian era, the first groom's cake was a very heavy and dense fruit cake that eventually became a flour cake, either white or chocolate.
Then comes cutting the flour cake.
If the Shalom Zachar falls on a Friday night during any other day of Passover, matzah cakes and potato-flour cookies will be served instead of regular flour cakes and cookies.
Cassava Pone (Plastic Cake) is a traditional Belizean Creole and pan-West Indian cassava flour cake sometimes made with coconuts and raisins.