But Shilla had a flourishing indigenous civilisation clearly different from the Tang, one that was among the most advanced in the world.
Upon arrival, they find that the future changed and Coleida is no more a dead planet, but a flourishing civilisation.
Although the demise of the flourishing civilization was aided by the erupting volcano on Thera, the ultimate end came from outside conquerors.
Koreans see the kingdom as the forerunner of their nation, a flourishing civilization that bequeathed to modern Korea its name.
Burntime starts at the end of a flourishing civilization.
It showed the picture of a blue-green planet with all the signs of a flourishing civilization.
For more than two hundred years Palermo was the capital of a flourishing Islamic civilisation in Sicily.
The Gelflings once had a flourishing civilization, as seen in the ruins of one of their cities in the film, and had a system of writing similar to hieroglyphics.
The four centuries of Roman rule created an advanced and flourishing civilization.
The influence of the elders was calming, as well, and those who would have been deemed unworthy in the larger flourishing civilizations were weeded out or changed-reformed.