The school had a flourishing dramatic society which stimulated some pupils to go on the professional stage in later life.
On the contrary, it seemed like a happy, healthy, flourishing society.
"Since it was such a flourishing society, why did it end?"
Caral and nearby sites represented a flourishing, well-developed society, with enough food, other resources and organization to build these great mounds.
The Melbourne Shakespeare Society, for many years the most flourishing literary society in Victoria, was also founded on his suggestion and was its inaugural president 1884-1888.
It is distinct from both of its two stand-alone constituents by stating that both progressivism and rationalism are indispensable enablers for a flourishing society.
A flourishing civil society promotes active citizenship, undermining the idea that the ruling elites know best.
The flourishing pro-French democratic societies were secret political clubs verging on vigilante groups and seemed truly bent on gaining French control over American politics.
"The important, ongoing debate about the moral principles and values which are needed to underpin a stable, flourishing society is illuminated by the light of Religious faith."
In 1771 he preached also at the flourishing society of Derryanville and at Kilmoriarty there was the largest congregation he had seen during the week.