By contrast to other members of Pandanales the family demonstrates stricter flower morphology.
He noted its distinction from other species based on leaf shape, stolon production, flower morphology and geographical isolation (from P. oblongiloba).
In horticulture, tulips are divided up into fifteen groups (Divisions) mostly based on flower morphology and plant size.
L. chippendalei is most closely related to L. preissii but differs in flower morphology.
Their flower morphology is typical of being pollinated by generalist small insects such as bees and moths.
It displays the zygomorphic flower morphology, opposite leaves, and square stem typical of the mint family, Lamiaceae.
In Nicotiana attenuata, some of the peptides have stopped being involved in defensive roles and instead affect flower morphology.
Berger silenced HypSys and found that it caused changes in flower morphology which reduced the efficiency of self-pollination.
An increase of the hormone affects flowering time, flower morphology and the number of open flowers.
In fact, Triuridaceae holds the most doubtful flower morphology from the whole order.