The first rule of street-tree flower planting is to be generous.
Besides the flower plantings, to have a beautiful block you also need someone to clean up promptly after the graffiti artists and the bill posters.
As well as flower planting, there's plenty of routine grass cutting and strimming to be done by the inmates.
We were moving to Jardinconnu, for living on new world, necessary food growing, necessary flower planting.
Kirk kicked aside dead leaves and the remnants of what had surely been impressive flower plantings in a former life.
Permanent flower plantings in the garden include numerous varieties of roses, bulbs, and flowering shrubs.
Either of these would be ideal to use as foliage backing for earlier flower plantings, for their leaves are handsome at any season.
They have hosted an annual historic home tour, flower plantings and beautification and neighborhood Christmas decorations.
The event will include flower planting, magic, games, cooking and other activities relating to the museum's "Body Odyssey" exhibition.
Olmstead included extensive flower plantings, including a Heather Garden that was restored in the 1980s.