However, Daphne told me that the tall spikes of flowers, resembling yellow lupins, last better if stem-rotting bacteria can be kept at bay.
The inflorescence is a panicle of flowers resembling penstemons, widely tubular with two lobed lips and a hairy staminode.
The genus name is from the Greek for "flax flower", the flowers superficially resembling those of flax.
Extremely fragrant purple flowers, resembling the smell of grape soda, are produced in large clusters in March and April.
Large flowers resembling buttercups bloomed among the rocks and were visited by insectile fliers with transparent wings.
The centre, again rising in the cushion, was the crown - seven huge deep red flowers, resembling large opened daisies.
The common name comes from the array of fine feather-like petals that surround the flower resembling the legs of a spider.
On a white background, the bouquet of red anthurium, a large flower resembling the calla lily, is a stately design, perhaps for a formal bedroom.
The common name is the Bottlebrush Grass Tree This plant features yellow flowers resembling Banksias or Bottlebrushes, around 10 cm long.
Callistemon species are commonly referred to as bottlebrushes because of their cylindrical, brush like flowers resembling a traditional bottle brush.