These changes generally result in new flowers sprouting for the player to interact with.
Just don't be surprised when weird flowers sprout from common soil.
Artificial flowers sprout from the chimney, which is wrapped in green paper.
Leaves and flowers sprout in rosettes from growing points on the top of the tuber.
Grass and wild flowers sprouted between the stones, but he was able to trace the geography of the building by walking it.
While most flower and vegetable seeds sprout within three weeks, the packet label should tell the normal time required for each plant.
Like flowers sprouting in the desert after rain, observation balloons were rising into the air from the German rear lines.
In the subsequent war, several miracles occur, including flowers sprouting from the lances of the knights.
After every shower, tiny flowers sprout through the crumbling mortar of the Aurelian wall.
One after another the flowers sprouted into weeds; rank, unkempt, unlovely.