The stores offer more abstract designs, primary colors and "white on white" tiles, in contrast to what Mr. Drogo called the flowery Mediterranean style.
To my infinite regret,' she wrote, in the flowery style she now affected, 'I have been quite unable to visit my childhood home.
Eudo can make himself useful doing the scribing, he has the right flowery style.
His books, treating of Oriental life in a somewhat flowery, romantic style, were popular a few months ago.
"Last Dance" is clearly intended to be a farewell, of sorts, to frivolity in one woman's life and to a flowery, sybaritic style associated with the Southern gentry.
It is indeed possible that this sentence is taken from an introduction written in flowery style.
Now that's a much more flowery style (different - earlier - period).
Some of the tracks on it referred to, or were written under the influence of, drugs, but its flowery, dreamy style perfectly suited the mood of the nation.
His books are written in the flowery style of his day, and several of his works, although long, are still considered among the best primary sources available.
The magazine's description of Castle Crags is the typical, flowery writing style of that era: