In 1951, with some money from the university, he made his first trip to Alaska, looking for frozen flu victims.
There was a very slight chance, he realized, that traces of the virus might still be present in scraps of tissue saved from flu victims.
Even among flu victims who simply stay home for a few days, the cost to employers and society is staggering.
Perhaps some 1918 flu victims in the extreme North had been preserved in the permafrost.
We can hardly inflict her on poor helpless flu victims.
By the time these flu victims become thoroughly miserable and need help, it is too late for the prescription medications to work, the health officials said.
For the flu victim, taking the drug twice a day for five days shortened the duration of symptoms by two and a half days.
Tissues from another American flu victim, also a soldier, are being scrutinized because he died in the summer of 1918.
There was little overlap among the flu victims.
The inquiry is tougher when the flu victim is young or dead.