Our intelligence fluctuates daily as we are absorbed into the minds within.
The estimates of the blackout damage fluctuated daily, spiking as high as $1 billion.
Officials expect the releases, which began on Jan. 1 and will fluctuate daily, to last for three months.
Prices fluctuate daily, just like the gold market.
Airlines consume an enormous amount of fuel, at prices that fluctuate daily.
Mail bags can weigh up to 35 pounds, though the amount of mail fluctuates daily.
The official rate of exchange fluctuates daily; see the inside front cover for exchange rates at the time of going to press.
The availability of field personnel to staff these positions fluctuates daily due to vacations, sick leave, training, and other functions.
See: oanda.com xe.com for the latest in foreign exchange rates as they fluctuate daily.
The exchange rate fluctuates daily, so check the current rate before converting your currency to pounds sterling.