While life's goodness may fluctuate naturally, people are still obliged to keep the State of the Middle (K115).
Fish populations, like those of almost all creatures, fluctuate naturally, but scientists say that several new factors might be having an impact on wild salmon.
Therefore, bone density during treatment naturally fluctuates and this may not be relevant to the fracture protection of the medication.
But again, it was immaculately arranged, sonically clear, fluctuating naturally from 7 musicians, to 11, to one.
Because grouse are not and never have been reared to any extent for shooting, their numbers fluctuate naturally from year to year.
It is often found in areas where water levels fluctuate naturally, with spring flooding and later summer emergence.
Temperatures naturally fluctuate so much from year to year that a single decade is not a long enough yardstick for a long-term trend.
Stock abundance fluctuates naturally, changing the potential yield over short and long term periods.
Things like golf scores, the earth's temperature, and chronic back pain fluctuate naturally and usually regress towards the mean.
The authors put it to us that every individual has a comfortable, or 'setpoint', weight, around which our bodies naturally fluctuate.