During this time, glaciation caused the climate to rapidly fluctuate and sea levels to drop.
Market shares fluctuate rapidly, as new products and production improvements are introduced at a stunning rate.
Enterprise Value fluctuates rapidly based on stock price changes.
This means their populations can fluctuate rapidly, and they can often recover quickly when depleted.
Without the hormone, the levels of calcium in the plant fluctuate rapidly, and the stomata stay open.
Because energy and food prices fluctuate rapidly, many economists prefer the so-called core rate, which eliminates these items.
The range guide was fluctuating rapidly as he closed on his enemy.
The pending legislation would limit replacement-cost increases when prices fluctuate rapidly.
Depending on rainfall, water levels can fluctuate rapidly and low-lying areas are seasonally flooded by the river.
Ranulas may be asymptomatic, although they can fluctuate rapidly in size, shrinking and swelling, making them hard to detect.