The winter of 1962/63 caused marked fluctuations in the first period.
Among other things, they had to correct for fluctuations caused by fish movement, the uneven sea floor and even the water itself.
But by this stage the patient reader will be asking: what causes fluctuations in absolute prices?
This causes fluctuations in the phase of polarized incident light.
The dollar rose substantially despite fluctuations caused by uncertainty over the talks in Washington.
The explicit versus the implicit meaning caused angry fluctuations in the press.
The movement of the elevator didn't affect him like the fluctuations caused by the gravity waves from the planet.
These occasions are rare, and therefore, we have taken them as random errors causing fluctuations.
These variations are random and cause fluctuations of the energy levels at the interface, which then causes scattering.
A spectral band structure causes fluctuations in this behavior (see graph at right).