Those wild fluctuations occurred when the fishing pressure on the species was only a fraction of what it is today.
Although fluctuations occurred over the years, the population in 2011 is very similar to what it was in 1871 with little difference.
For one, certain fluctuations of the space/time continuum could occur at both end sites.
Since 1967 some local fluctuations have occurred, but such changes are perhaps to be expected.
"When a big fluctuation occurs in the future, he can be a leader."
Similar fluctuations in finances occurred during the first half of the 20th century.
The theory says nothing whatever about what fluctuations may occur during the year.
The fluctuations occur at a rated defined by the difference between the frequencies of the two sounds.
The earliest census in 1881 recorded 75 houses, since then the number has increased however large fluctuations have occurred.
Time and again, the boom never seems to happen, or some natural fluctuation occurs that had nothing to do with the event.