Therefore, even very small fluctuations in temperature during storage or shipment may result in water condensation on the surface of both film and produce.
Brief fluctuations in intracranial or systemic blood pressure may then result in transient loss of function in the eyes.
Minor fluctuations in the river's own flow have resulted in the Karst topography of the region.
But they said the finance officials and central bankers could be expected to promise to intervene in the currency markets if damaging fluctuations resulted from the war.
These tidal fluctuations result in dissipation at an average rate of about 3.7 TW.
These fluctuations probably result from interaction between phasic gastroduodenal motility and intermittent pancreatic secretion of neutralising bicarbonate.
Short-term fluctuations in lake level combined with periodic volcanic ash spewings over the region have resulted in a fortuitous layering of the ground cover over the basal rocks.
Under these conditions, simple fluctuations in the density of matter may have resulted in local regions dense enough to create black holes.
Sharp fluctuations in stock and bond prices often result.
The fluctuations result in the interbedded layers of sand and mud.