Lunde and Stone have provided the English reader with a fluent translation of some three quarters of al-Mas'udi's material on the Abbasids from the Muruj al-dhahab.
In Margaret Sayers Peden's beautiful and fluent translation, it is almost always involving, very nearly convincing.
Now, in a fluent translation by Linda Asher, "Memoirs of a Breton Peasant" has been published in English.
The profoundly deep, but pleasantly and musically resonant voice went on; the fluent translation continued.
The title of this book, first issued in London in a marvelously fluent translation nearly 30 years ago, is misleading.
A best seller in Scandinavia, "Before You Sleep" has been given a fluent, idiosyncratic translation by Tiina Nunnally.
Beside his own poems, which have a strong spiritual and landscape flavour, the collection contains several fluent translations from Welsh poets.
A more fluent, popular translation would be more "democratic."
Written with precision, energy and a masterly assurance, "Prince" has been given a faithful and fluent translation by Barbara Haveland.
In a fluent translation by Alfred Mac Adam, the novel contains extensive rants against the United States, barking with the sounds of old Albania.