The fluffy blankets on the trails at the Loveland resort here, for example, were largely produced by snow guns using water pumped from nearby streams.
The problem would be being suffocated under a fluffy pink blanket of feathers with birds attached.
Cara and Caitlin sat side by side at the picnic table, sharing a fluffy pink blanket against the November chill.
"The Blues" really wants to throw a warm, fluffy blanket over the art and read valedictory statements to it.
When we left the Bay Area three hours earlier, the fog hugged the land like a fluffy blanket.
They sat close together, sharing a fluffy blanket: That was part of what made it fun.
There they strip down to black long johns, and each lies down on a log that's been wrapped in a fluffy blanket.
Be sure to put baby down on her back for safety, and keep fluffy blankets and toys out of the crib.
The black mist parted and Crisal saw stars above and a fluffy blanket of clouds beneath.
Chose a firm mattress for your baby's crib, and keep any fluffy blankets or toys away from his or her head during sleep.