Even young women in fluffy white dresses have been affected by Y2K.
In a fluffy green dress, trimmed with lace, she looked like a green flower.
Stella wore her fluffy white dress, and both she and her mother had on summer hats and white gloves.
She was undoubtedly thinking that with a little hair color, a perm, a Wonderbra, and a fluffier dress, Anne would be almost presentable.
His finale consists of short, fluffy, twirly ballet dresses with a misty fairy-tale look.
All I remember about her are her tiny pale hands and pretty hair and fluffy dress.
Trool lifted a finger, and abruptly Nepe was clothed in a fluffy dress.
Ms. van Noort wore a fluffy cloudlike dress and fluttered her hands in "Trio," the third episode.
She was a little woman and she wore a fluffy white dress.
"She's not running around in a fluffy dress," Mr. Fuqua said.