They're all gorgeous in the dead of winter, when a big fluffy flower holds the seduction of a stolen kiss.
Hawkweed, whose fluffy flowers are often mistaken for dandelion, got its name because country people believed that hawks chewed the stalk to improve their vision.
Ageratina shastensis is a woody perennial which bears unassuming fluffy white flowers about a centimeter wide.
The fluffy flowers are lavender-blue, pink, lilac, or white; and spread in small compound umbels.
They are quite easy to grow, producing a profusion of fluffy flowers all season long.
A profusion of bright green leaves and heavily scented, fluffy flowers are produced in winter or spring.
It is a tree which flowers in late winter and spring, producing a mass of fragrant, fluffy, golden flowers.
The fluffy white flowers and red stems of new growth are appealing features.
Cornflower or bachelor's buttons: 18 inches; fluffy round flowers in purple, white or pink.
In early summer it bears clusters of fluffy pink flowers in flat-topped panicles.