A shield volcano is a type of volcano usually built almost entirely of fluid lava flows.
Hawaiian eruptions are characterized by the effusive emission of fluid lavas.
Can volcanoes produce large explosive eruptions and rivers of fluid lava at the same time?
The volcanic eruptions are dated from 6 to 9 millions of years and were of Hawaiian type with fluid lavas.
Thousands of threads like glass, formed of fluid lava, fell like rain upon the island.
It has long gentle slopes produced by multiple eruptions of fluid lava flows.
Other trees were surrounded by molten, fluid lava and burnt.
Nowhere else in the world does such a steep-sided stratovolcano contain a lake of such fluid lava.
This indicates that an eruption in the foreseeable future is more likely to be characterized by fluid lava rather than major explosivity.
Edziza's shield volcanoes are built almost entirely of fluid lava flows.