It works by increasing smooth muscle tone and decreasing fluid secretions in the intestines.
Eventually the vicissitudes of terminology led to the word being applied to any organ that had the prime function of producing a fluid secretion.
In this type of diarrhea intestinal fluid secretion is isotonic with plasma even during fasting.
The lumen is large and stores the fluid secretions (but not spermatozoa) between ejaculations.
The liver and pancreas produce fluid secretions.
Both drugs significantly reduced fluid secretion or increased fluid absorption.
The effect was more pronounced the lower the rate of fluid absorption or the higher the rate of fluid secretion.
In eight of 26 animals a net fluid secretion was seen on days 6-9.
The quantitative effects of the drugs were related to the rate of fluid secretion or absorption.
In Brunssons's experiments, hexamethonium often turned fluid secretion into fluid absorption.