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"Given the flushness of the average corporate balance sheet, there is plenty of money out there to invest in capital expenditure," he said.
"Obviously," he said, "when it comes to body panels, fit and finish, gaps and sheetmetal flushness, the benchmark is always Toyota."
In humans, ethiofencarb can cause muscle weakness, dizziness, flushness, excess salivation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, blurred vision, slurred speech and twitching.
To my ear, these main resort havens on the 1,300-mile Mexican Riviera are beautiful words - promising long margarita afternoons and the giddy sense of flushness that stems from a favorable rate of exchange (about 7.8 pesos to the dollar recently).
A report in The New York Times described that the flushness of money and growth during these years had spawned a drug culture of sorts, with a rampant acceptance of cocaine use although the overall percent of actual users was most likely small.
Cynthia Haymon as Poppea was also uneven, but played the role convincingly, moving from the flushness of conceited ambition to a naked vulnerability in the final duet, her coronation scene, when, having achieved her goal of becoming empress, she is suddenly unsure.
Westerners Now Come With the Soviet bloc gone, Playa Giron has been given over to Western tourists on a modest budget, the Canadians and Germans and French whose hard currencies have eased some of the town's seediness and have even given it a feeling of flushness.