A custom-made Louis XIV-style sofa with a molded fruitwood frame and fluted, tapered legs was upholstered in rose and white striped silk.
The sale includes a Regency wine cooler modeled on an ancient sarcophagus and a mahogany hall seat with fluted legs adapted from a marble bench.
The furniture, made of maple and other hardwoods, has classic rosettes and fluted or reeded legs.
It has three drawers hidden by a crisp frieze of flowers and foliage in cast bronze, bronze capitals on fluted legs, and ormolu sabots (shoes).
One intricately carved 1815 example is supported by six fluted legs.
Slender, tapered, the fluted legs tiptoe delicately across the floor like a ballerina en pointe.
More luxury, to match the building: elaborate gilt mirrors, antique tables and chairs with fluted legs and ivory damask upholstery, a carpet of royal blue with Persian rugs.
The living room suite is circa 1950; the fluted legs are pure Louis XVI.
Straight tapering fluted legs joined by a block at the seat rail and architectural mouldings, characterize the style, in which each element is a discrete entity.
Apart from some minor repairs in 1910 and 1914 (the steel bands and cross braces around the fluted legs) the bridge remains as he built it.