And verily, thou choosest the hour well: for just now do the nocturnal birds again fly abroad.
Paris (for the buzz flies abroad) is struck into astonishment not wholesome.
But when the darkness reigns, the city dwellers fear to fly abroad, lest they lose themselves in the black of night.
It flies to 11 cities within India and 23 cities abroad.
Historically, almost half of American travelers flying abroad take foreign airlines, according to Government statistics.
By law and tradition, Japan's own air force is prohibited from flying abroad.
International travel is growing quickly, with more than a 50 percent increase in Americans flying abroad in the last 10 years.
He spent most of his time abroad flying around in a company-owned Percival Proctor.
Far fewer Britons are flying abroad for their holidays as the economic downturn and the sinking pound is keeping them at home.
But they do not govern foreign-owned airlines, which are used by about half of all Americans flying abroad.