Up we went, into the aircars, and away, flying at a height of perhaps a hundred meters.
We took off and flew at a height of fifteen hundred feet towards our designated oil rig.
'We are flying at a height of 55,000 feet at 1,352 miles per hour,' said the Thing.
He was flying at a great height, twice the altitude of the fleeing Morley.
It would be flying at a height of say 1000 feet.
They were flying at a height of twenty miles, and the range Torlos indicated was far off in the blue distance, almost below the horizon.
We flew at a height of about 3,000 feet.
A minute later he saw it flying past well over to his right at a height of about two hundred feet.
Thus, for example, aircraft flying at a normal height do not trespass.
"They fly singly at a height of 15 feet looking for nectar."