"Now this stuff flies effortlessly," he said.
But not in Trevor s world, where time flies effortlessly by.
It seemed to Blade that they weren't riding so much as flying effortlessly over a great expanse of pure, glowing light.
It flies effortlessly from one time period to another, from one mood to its opposite.
Within a blink, he was gone, flying effortlessly through the night with Jaden in his arms.
There was something magical about all those bikes flying effortlessly through the countryside and over the mountains of France.
It was a flying creature that was very colorful and seemed to fly effortlessly.
Athletes should fly effortlessly through the air, but maintain total control over their bodies at the same time.
When he looked back over his shoulder, though, he saw the young monk, flying effortlessly through the brush, gaining on him with every sure-footed stride.
The other starcruisers were slowly turning and maneuvering to face Carrion as he flew effortlessly towards them.