Earlier this year, Jones flew 50 children to Tampa, Fla., for a week.
Last February a friend and I (both 60-ish women who walk about three miles every morning) flew to Tucson for a week of hiking.
How do we know he didn't leave Ecuador and fly to Miami for a week?
Ledger flew to New York for a week.
In a few days, President Bush will fly to Asia for a week of diplomacy.
We put out a call to neighbors and friends, who dropped everything and flew to Seattle for a week at a time to be a support system.
Den and Astrid flew off to the Bahamas for a week.
Couldn't you fly to the south of France, just for a week?
To record the song, she flew to Los Angeles for roughly a week.
After that we are flying on our own to Goa for a week then leaving.