His boot jets allow him to fly for up to 10 minutes.
"I flew for an hour and 15 minutes over desert," he said of a recent trip.
Theoretically, this new pack could fly for 25 minutes and go up to 135 km/h.
The T-4 flew only ten times for a total 10 hours and 20 minutes.
He flew continuously for 25 hours and 10 minutes, a record that stood until 1939.
He later went on to break another record, this time by flying upside down for 12 minutes.
You're going to fly all the way up here for twenty minutes?
They offer the opportunity to fly with them for about 20 minutes.
After they had flown for fifteen minutes the lights through the windows became fewer.
They flew along for ten minutes without speaking while Catalina grew larger in the windshield.