Soil and stone flew outwards in a cloud of filthy smoke.
It flew outwards and downwards, a red-hot iron hail sizzling into the sea.
Sparks flew outwards as systems started to short.
When the ride is in operation, a motor causes the arms to spin, with centrifugal forces causing the ride vehicles to fly outwards.
Martin turned swiftly and gave the baby pigmy shrew a hefty kick on the bottom that sent him flying outwards over the edge.
They hover near the centre of the screen after completing their deployment pattern, and occasionally fly outwards and shoot at the player.
Asteroids fly straight outwards from the centre of the screen at regular intervals.
Laser beam generators occasionally fly straight outwards from the centre of the screen.
Then an enormous globe of ball-lightning leapt into existence near the enemy, and cometlike sparks flew outwards from it.
Then it would burst, or appear to burst, and fly outwards.