Teams receive money, fly to a location and complete various tasks.
The slings are then flown to a central location where they can be loaded on pallets for transport.
In one case, a volunteer flew a battered woman with her children in the late evening to an undisclosed safe location.
Carter is flown to a secret location in the Nevada desert where he is given a sample of heroin.
It is often overlooked, as it sits motionless inside the canopy or just below, quickly flying to a new location if disturbed.
With us, people don't have to fly to a central location in Europe.
Gaddis would fly to a different location, and fish.
One day, Thomas's troop flies to a wrong location, a town containing only poor children and women instead of an enemy camp they had been looking for.
American officials said the currency would be flown to a secure location for safekeeping and turned over to the new leadership of Iraq.
Terran buildings are far less limited, with certain primary base structures possessing the ability to take off and fly slowly to a new location.