Kent and Graves flew westward, skimming along the moonlet's equator.
Westward again flew the red balloon, impelled by Felice's wind.
Then it wheeled and flew westward, like a messenger returning home with news of a great victory.
In less than an hour she found the squadron, still doggedly flying westward, chasing the vanished sun.
By contrast, Odyssey would ride much gentler winds at altitudes up to 130,000 feet, taking some 22 days to fly westward around the world.
Far away in the sky, he could see the raven flying westward with great flaps of its wings.
Let's say you are in plane flying westward around the Earth's equator.
Now that private planes are locked out, flying westward from Long Island presents problems.
"I came to tell you - we received reports that dragons were seen, flying westward over the city of Kalaman."
The geese flew westward: and following, Lookfar came on the next day in sight of a great island.