At Woodward, they have ramps that lead into big pits filled with foam blocks.
They used a compressed air gun to fire a foam block of similar size and mass to that which struck Columbia, at the same estimated speed.
Trampoline - Competitors must bounce off of trampolines onto stacks of foam blocks.
After talking to crew chiefs and drivers, track officials decided to add foam blocks to lessen the impact of crashes.
The stem of the product (most often cut flowers or flower bouquet) is inserted in a circular foam block, and placed into a blue balloon.
His accident prompted officials to put foam blocks in the corners to lessen impacts.
The explosion occurred in January 2006 about 260 feet underground in a section of the mine that had been sealed off with foam blocks.
The first and second floors were built with two different types of foam blocks, to demonstrate the "green building" qualities of each.
A 1/3-scale model was built, and from that a full-sized prototype was made from foam blocks, on which clay would be applied.
Molded foam blocks were offered for the following aircraft, however, not all remained in later production.