His research addresses the relationship between demography, environment, and politics, particularly focusing on how population growth, "youth bulges", and climate change affect violent conflict.
The message is also best served when it focuses on how the sun's ultraviolet rays can affect appearance, as opposed to skin cancer risk.
I get through it by focusing on what I can affect, what I can possibly control.
These studies focused on how leadership behaviors affect small groups.
His articles also focus on how autobiographical memory biases and deficits affect current and future vulnerability.
The LAT focuses on how the situation will affect the American anti-drug effort in Columbia.
Spirituality is sometimes a part of this view, which focuses on how the intersection of mind, body and sociocultural influences affect development.
To the Editor: Your coverage of the trade deal with China focused on how it will affect American business (front page, Nov. 16).
The program focuses on how technologies affect and are used in today's society.
His research focuses on how people differ from one another in mental abilities and patterns of behavior, and how cognitive illusions affect our decisions.