In selecting an appropriate typeface, Mackiewicz focuses on what she calls "typeface personality."
By focusing on what he calls "discounted growth situations," he reduces the fund's volatility and buys strong but overlooked companies.
The company's philosophy focuses on what it calls the "flawless face", a concept that is allegedly derived from Mercier's promotion of natural-looking makeup.
Her work on the problem of evil largely focuses on what she calls "horrendous evils".
The "Quo Vadis" study focused on what the Navy calls "immature technologies" that are known now and could be developed relatively soon.
He focuses on what he calls the hidden gems and orphan songs that Sinatra made popular.
It focuses on what it calls the "new breed of transnationals" who have brought about cause for "multinationals" to "beware".
Essex focuses on what it calls "human factors engineering" and does research, testing and applications for the Government and private companies.
Appreciative Inquiry utilises a cycle of 4 processes, which focuses on what it calls:
The website focuses on what it calls "Online2Offline", providing users a place to connect through common interests and events which lead to meeting new people offline.