For this reason he decided to focus his adaptation of the book on the section about Prohibition.
Focusing on the section of Chromosome 5, several hundred thousand base pairs long, the researchers got lucky.
However, the objections are not focused on the section of Phase 2 along Highland Drive, but rather section further north.
It was considered the first city improvement north of downtown, the city being focused on the southern section prior to this.
He focused on the section the watchworker had indicated.
Sax focused on the section of moraine they were climbing.
Darkness beckoned beyond the open doorway, but she focused instead on the section of bulkhead just to the left of the hatchway.
Every ounce of willpower was focused on the next section of hall or waiting archway between her and her destination.
Repositioning the cutters, he struggles to focus on the next section of wire through the Thorazine haze, now closing fast on his peripheral vision.
His newspaper attention focuses on the front section and the sports pages.