However, it comes equipped with a split-screen/microprism focusing screen for precise manual focusing.
Unlike traditional optical viewfinders which may use a ground glass focusing screen, the GH1 EVF takes a small portion of the scene and magnifies it 10X.
To maximize the underwater light, a fixed Nikon B Type Brite View focusing screen has been added to the viewfinder.
Change the standard focusing screen from the A style (microprism only) to E style (split image with microprism ring).
Focusing screens: the standard focusing screen, ground-glass with split-image and microprism collar, can be replaced by any of five other screens for specialised tasks.
Acute Matte focusing screen with split-image bi-prism surrounded by microprisms.
Uniquely amongst Canon EOS bodies it had an optical manual focus aid, a split-image focusing screen as well as a ring of microprisms.
The Pentax K1000 SE substitutes a split image rangefinder plus microprism collar focusing screen.
It has a removable pentaprism finder and focusing screen.
A black cloth is required to keep stray light out while observing the image on the ground glass focusing screen.