The snow did not fall thickly enough to obscure their vision much but rather seemed to render the whole scene an image viewed through a foggy window.
Nothing sat up and cleared a spot on the foggy window with the sleeve of his raincoat.
At one point, Rivka looks out her bus window and into the foggy window of a bus pulled up alongside them, where a man looks back at her.
From these stark suburbs, the residents of Tyumen ride to work, swaddled in thick coats and stuffed into lurching buses with foggy windows.
Tis like through a foggy window.
Unfortunately, condensation is not always as obvious as foggy or frosted windows.
A mirror from his side, a foggy window from mine.
He peered out through foggy windows at Unkerlanters taking the cold in stride.
Rob stared out through the foggy window at the dull gray tarmac and wintry sky.
She swallowed hard, glanced through the foggy windows and saw no one.