The dance is popular among international folk dancers around the world.
At "Gütersloh international" many foreign musicians and folk dancers present a mixed program in front of the municipal hall.
This is especially apparent during Carnival, when over 4,000 folk dancers from different villages come to the capital to celebrate.
Like folk dancers everywhere, the Tamburitzans kept assembling in lines and circles.
Today there are some over 12,000 folk dancers belonging to 219 local clubs which provide courses in music, dancing and dressmaking.
It made me a little dizzy, as if I were looking down on a room full of swirling folk dancers.
The folk dancers will also perform a dance based on the movements of the coconut shell game, which is popular in Cambodia.
Today the only traditional costumes to be seen are those worn by the flower-sellers and folk dancers.
The experience is so enthralling that you would not stop yourself from joining with the folk dancers.
Customers at the snack bar were entertained by costumed folk dancers.