Many good folk lived underground these days, and hardly dared come out.
Now don't you folks dare say one word about church affairs this evening!
The local folk wouldn't dare to chase you, since you could go to the tele-phone and notify the cursar.
THE commodities market has long evoked images of the Wild West - a world dominated by gamblers and speculators, where few ordinary folks dare to tread.
The poor folk dare not even embrace one another in the solitude of their huts," the youngest said, "for fear the sorcerers might be watching in their crystals.
They might have heard of guns from the coast people, but living as they did in the interior where white folk did not dare to travel, they had never seen their terrible effects.
I have often heard my grandfather, the tailor, say that there was more meant by that hobgoblin army bearing off the resemblance of the priest, than folks dared to surmise.
Not that I think the cowed folk up in Bitra would have dared cite the clauses to him, even if they had known about them.
"That's because the skinny little folks don't dare to get close to an enemy!"