It is common folk lore in Florida that one should spray her orange trees with water before a freeze.
This leads me to believe that water does not become colder once it freezes, if in fact the folk lore is true.
They begin to see what it's like, overcome some of the fears and the folk lore.
Many historians now discount much of this folk lore.
Or where she may have gotten this folk lore from?
According to local folk lore, the phantom was once a woman who lived in the tourist area, making glass statues for tourists.
There is folk lore that while walking in the forest a bull chased them.
The hill graves have been a natural part of the local population's environment for centuries, and were surrounded by much folk lore.
His phrase "Something must be done" when confronted by the poverty and hardship has gone down in folk lore.
This was has achieved the status of a folk lore in the province.