There was neither hearth nor stove; evidently the tree-tower folk shunned the use of fire; nor was there communication with the upper levels, by means of ladders, traps or stairs.
All these carefree young folk were pointing and simpering at the luckless outcast's outcast and shunning him as though he had just come in from skinning a skunk.
Many pols and ex-pols are predicting that smart, charismatic folks such as Livingston will now shun public office.
I have sinned," Sayeesa answered in low and quavering tones, "so deeply that all folk of any conscience shun the sight of me.
No one disturbed them, or came near; such doings at the ruined hut were why the folk of the dale still called her the Witch of Shadowdale, and shunned this place.
To get back to our test: we decided to try two games that sensible folk ordinarily shun because of poor odds - roulette and the slots.
The Priests of the Light taught that Elves corrupted humankind and caused them to despair, and so honest folk should shun their company, should they be offered it.
Most folk in Sirsu shunned him too.
Honest folk shunned the Maze with good reason.
One of her worst fears is that folk will shun her because of what's happened.