Capable of split-second decisive-ness, yet possessing a balanced serenity, and also a folksy touch if need be.
But there are folksy touches as well, like the photographs, flowers and notes placed on the terrazzo floors.
However, some critics were less impressed, stating that the album was overproduced and lacked the "folksy" touch of her previous album Eye to the Telescope.
There are also a few overtly folksy touches, like the harmonica solo in the prelude to one of the scenes in the second act or the guitar accompaniment to Abbie's lullaby.
Known for his common, folksy touch, he is universally called Chris, even by his construction crews.
The play was a touch folksy, but it expressed Wilson's prime concerns.
The room's collective body heat prompted Giuliani to remove his suit jacket, a folksy touch that offset his image as an uptight former Fed.
Somebody trying to downplay his rich man image and give him a little folksy touch.
This gently enveloping film, which contrasts the boy's curiosity about the past with his parents' narrowly modern ideas, has the enchantment of a folk tale as well as certain folksy touches of its own.
The soundtrack, consisting of 15 tracks, tuned by C. Ashwath became very popular for the folksy touch.