Posidonius in his writings on meteorology followed Aristotle.
Many medieval theologians and philosophers followed Aristotle in seeing a living being's soul as that being's form-specifically, its substantial form.
III., 3) disagreed, also preferring to follow Aristotle.
Philosophic system he followed Aristotle and Averroes.
Saint Thomas Aquinas, indicating that he was following Aristotle, defined a perfect thing as one that "possesses that of which, by its nature, it is capable."
He follows Aristotle in defining one sort of Topic as the maximal proposition; these are propositions which are somehow shown to be universal or readily believable.
Again he follows Aristotle in believing that each child ought to be male and that a female is the result of misadventure.
Ignoring Attalus, Parmenion tugged the gelding's reins and followed Aristotle.
They say that the Sabinian school was the student of Stoicism, while the Proculian school followed Aristotle or Peripateticism.
He followed Aristotle in asserting that the subject matter of metaphysics is "being qua being" (ens inquantum ens).