This battle was followed by the victory of Arthur Wellesley at the Battle of Assaye.
He followed this army until their final defeat at the Battle of La Ciudadela of Tucumán.
It was followed by defeat at the Battle of Attu, which propaganda could not make inspirational.
The battle followed a similar defeat at the Battle of Torrevicente.
This setback was followed in June 1942 by the catastrophic loss of a four carrier task force at the Battle of Midway.
A similar success followed in November at the Battle of Bayou Bourbeux.
This was followed shortly thereafter by Israeli attacks against Egyptian forces at the Battle of Baltim.
Following the victory by the conservatives at the Battle of Lircay, which put an end to the Civil War, order was restored.
It followed a clear American defeat and disorderly retreat just two months before at the Battle of Kham Duc.
A war followed, with the result of a victory for the Romans at the Battle of Lake Regillus and conditional surrender soon after.