Sos followed numbly, realizing that this was the female they had come to see, not the mother.
Anna followed numbly, her face burning, and her neck, shoulder, back, and legs all aching.
Pooley gave his head a final shake, turned slowly upon his heel and numbly followed Omally back into the saloon.
Yet both were wet, cold, hungry, and demoral-ized, and with little complaint they numbly followed Soap along the bone-white beach to a craggy outcropping which seemed the highest point of the bleak landfall.
I followed numbly.
As Roger followed numbly he saw the hall clock.
Too badly shaken to do more than stumble, Skeeter followed numbly when Benson hauled him past gaping orderlies, nurses, newsies, and injured tourists.
I followed numbly, wondering who Benito really was.
I followed numbly as Stoichev put the manuscripts back in their box and shut the lid.
She listened in silence as he told her what he thought had happened, then numbly followed him back down to the kitchen, slowly and deliberately pouring herself a fresh cup of coffee before she spoke again.