Students launched protests two weeks ago, alleging that the government did not follow through on its promise to allow student-fare reductions on public transport.
Instead they were almost giddy with anticipation after following through on their promise to end their seven-and-a-half-month strike, the longest in sports history, and return to work.
Knafel says Jordan did not follow through on his promise to pay her $5 million and is seeking that amount plus interest.
And he never followed through on his promise to hold elections in April 1999, instead running the country himself, with the help of a strong military.
At first Ford did not follow through on his promise to free the family.
So he would wouldn't have followed through on her promise to talk to Gabe about Neal.
However, to blame Senator Clinton because President Bush has failed to follow through on his promise of aid to New York seems a bit much.
But if he doesn't object, we'd be only too glad to follow through on our promise of help.
It remains to be seen whether the king will follow through on his promise to bring those responsible to justice.
The Chancellor must follow through on his promise to cull the ranks of the 1,100 principals.