For example, one thing that is needed is better information on how to follow patients after their initial treatment.
Additionally, an experimental study followed depressed patients for one year.
In a Swedish study that followed patients for 30 years, 18 to 20 percent of the women died.
The company will continue to follow patients for five years.
Mental health funds that should have followed patients into communities continued to maintain the hospital buildings.
The researchers followed patients for at least four years.
However, the latest research followed patients for almost twice as long and had greater statistical power.
So far, only in Japan - where there are an estimated 6,000 cases a year - have researchers been able to follow patients longer term.
Young doctors can benefit from following sick patients throughout the night, but an 80-hour week still provides that opportunity.
And while most studies of therapy have been short-term, scientists are now trying to follow patients for longer periods.