Web designers can follow techniques developed by private and government organizations to make even complex web pages usable by everyone including people with disabilities.
Conversely, it is time consuming to implement and presents challenges in making sure that the peers follow proper techniques.
Sikidy and other forms of African divination also follow techniques that have remained virtually unchanged.
In many cases, the new Mormon history follows the perspectives and techniques of new history, including cultural history.
Meanwhile, other health care organizations are trying to decrease infant mortality rates by encouraging hospitals and parents to follow safe techniques.
People follow traditional and advanced techniques in Irrigation.
Craftsmen there follow techniques handed down over hundreds of years, but even in Liudao, burials are strictly prohibited.
All pieces were produced by artisans who replicate traditional designs using traditional materials and following traditional techniques.
But after his wife's comforting, mainly focussing on the chance of travelling back to Africa, he is persuaded to follow those doctrinaire rules and techniques.
The adjustment followed standard statistical techniques in medical studies.